Is a War Inevitable?

Make no mistake. Trump and his cronies are, right now, gearing up to invade Greenland. Know this, JD Vance and wife are there on a fact finding mission more than anything. America already has a northern base and, given all indications, will happily use this as a staging post to start it’s quiet invasion.

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“Laws to suppress tend to strengthen what they would prohibit. This is the fine point on which all the legal profession of history has based their job security on.”

— Frank Herbert, Dune

I’m thinking of moving my photos from my current photo blog, Snap Happy Me, to here.

The blog is experiencing daily outages at the moment, we’re into the second week. I don’t know if this is wordpress per sa, or my hosting company. I suspect it’s the hosting company. Which is annoying. I just started with them and moved a pile of blogs there because they’re Canadian and local to me (in Montreal that is) and not US based.

I guess this is a thing now and a) I just have to live with it or b) I move the photos to here. and see how that goes.

Frustrating and annoying.

Quiz Time

There are just some things that make me happy throughout the day, this silly little quiz being one of them, Which Winnie the Pooh Character Are You? Well, of course, I thought I would turn out to be Pooh himself but, funnily enough, I came out as Christopher Robin which, when I stop to think about it, is spot on.

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Today is my mum’s birthday. If she were still with us, she would be celebrating 100.

Happy Birthday, Mum. 🎉

All my love, Alex

Sound advice:

When all else fails. Hit it with a hammer.” — My Gran to my dad